JUNE 14 & 15, 2025


Free For Community To View!

Sacramento Pride March & Parade
When: June 15, at 11:00 a.m.
Start Location: Starting at Southside Park (near 8th & T street)
End Location: State Capitol & festival entrance

Inspired by the 1969 Stonewall Uprising, the Sacramento Pride March returns live on Sunday, June 15, 2025, at 11 a.m. The march will comprise walking contingents, vehicle contingents, and large floats.

Join thousands of your closest friends to cheer on marchers, colorful floats, music, and much more for the annual Sacramento Pride March. Harkening back to the earliest days of Pride events as protests against oppression, this event is both a demonstration of activism in our pursuit of equity and social justice as well as a celebration of diverse Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and two-spirit communities and culture. Free for community members to view! If you are interested in marching in the parade, please see your options to register below: 

Group (nonprofit/business) March Registration

Interested in snagging a spot for your nonprofit, organization, or business? Purchase your contingent spot in the parade by following the link below! All organizations who wish to participate as a contingent must register through EventHub:

Thank you for marching with us! Stay tuned for information on the Sacramento Pride March 2025!

Group Pricing
Nonprofit Contingent (25 marchers)$125.00
Small/Local Business Contingent (25 marchers)$250.00
Corporate Business Contingent (25 marchers)$400.00
Additional 25 marchers$50.00
Regular Vehicle Fits one parking space, two axles $75.00
Vehicle With TrailerFits two parking spaces, 3+ axles$150.00
Large Vehicle/FloatBus, truck, etc. exceeding 15' in length, 2 axles$250.00
Select all your add-ons through EventHub!Enhance your parade experience!

March details such as location, event hours, and speakers are subject to change with little notice. Please check our website frequently and follow our Social Media outlets or @sacpride on Instagram and Twitter for the latest updates!

March with the Sacramento LGBT Community Center's Contingent! (free)

Interested in joining the march yourself? Join the Center’s contingent! All individuals who wish to march in the parade will be marching with the Center’s contingent and is free to join. Fill out the form below to join, and to receive more information! If you are a part of a nonprofit, organization, or business who would like a spot in the march, do not use this form! Scroll down to register via EventHub. This form is for individual community members only. 

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Nominate the next Grand Marshal here!

Grandstand Announcers 2024!